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Vasectomy Video Update


The quarantine time gave me the opportunity to make this video. Please watch this video prior to your vasectomy appointment. 


Stop!!! I understand most guys stopped reading instruction manuals when they hit puberty but you have two real important reasons to read the instructions for your vasectomy, namely righty and lefty. But if you still don’t want to read them at least 1) don’t take any blood thinners (aspirin, ibuprofen, alleve etc) for 1 week prior, 2) shave your scrotum prior to coming in for the procedure 3) make sure you have a driver on the day of the procedure. 4) If you've already had your consult, make sure to take all 4 pills about 45 minutes before your procedure. 5) Bring a jock strap, not a cup or “tight” underwear.


Link for Vasectomy Video

Vasectomy Simplified


A vasectomy can cause anxiety and apprehensive in even the most courageous man. There’s no need to fear. It’s really quite a simple and a relatively short urologist’s office procedure, lasting less than 15 minutes.


Here’s How It Works

As you may recall from your sixth-grade maturation classes, the testes produce sperm which mature in a small, coiled tube (the epididymis) connected to each testicle. The epididymes are connected to the prostate gland by the vas deferens. The semen produced during ejaculation is created from the seminal vesicles and the prostate gland mixed with sperm from the testes.


Here’s how the procedure works. The two vas deferens are cut and sealed off. This prevents sperm from traveling from the testes to the penis. It is the only change in your reproductive system. The testes still produce sperm. But since the sperm have nowhere to go, they die and are absorbed by your body. Only a very small amount of semen is made up of sperm.


So after a vasectomy, your semen won’t look or feel any differently. The volume of semen during ejaculation decreases minimally, but not enough for you to even notice. A vasectomy will not interfere with your sex drive, ability to have erections, sensation of orgasm, or ability to ejaculate. You may have occasional, mild aching in your testicles during sexual arousal for a few months after the surgery.


You may have some swelling and minor pain in your scrotum for several days after the surgery. Unless your work is strenuous, you will be able to return to work in two days. Avoid heavy lifting for a week.


After a vasectomy, some active sperm still remain in the reproductive system. It will take about three months and numerous ejaculations before the semen is completely free of sperm. Until then, you’ll need to use another form of birth control.


A vasectomy should be considered a permanent form of birth control and carefully discussed with your spouse and Dr. Nelson.


Vasectomy Procedure Detailed


Dr.'s Nelson likes to give patients some sedation to make them more comfortable. We will have you come in for a consult prior to the procedure and pick up your prescriptions. You will return the day of the procedure. Make sure to bring a driver, a jock strap and take your meds 45 minutes before your appointment. When you are feeling comfortably numb, we bring you back to the procedure room and get you ready.


Vasectomies can be performed three different ways, but he uses the no-needle, no-scalpel technique. Traditionally, men remain clothed from the waist up and lie on their back as the scrotum is numbed with a “no-needle injector.” Usually the patient feels a small sting on the skin above the testicle. Then, the vas deferens is gathered under one side of the skin of the scrotum as I make a small puncture wound and pull the vas deferens up into the opening. A small portion of the vas deferens is then removed and each end is cauterized and tied off and placed back in the scrotum.  A small bandage (I use the superhero brand) is then placed on the puncture wound.  The procedure is then repeated on the other side of the scrotum. The benefits of the no-scalpel technique is that it's quicker, there is less bleeding, a smaller hole in the skin, and fewer complications.  Most men, when asked on a pain scale of 0-10, rate this technique as “2 or less.”


Dr. Nelson can discuss the procedure that is best for you.

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